About the PTSD Repository
For Researchers
Why is it needed?
Researchers and clinicians have long relied on published
meta-analyses and literature reviews to understand effective treatments. These
sources are useful, but they can quickly become outdated, and none include all
randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on PTSD treatments. There was no single, comprehensive source of information available that could answer questions about all
types of interventions or other study details that might matter to researchers,
clinicians, patients, and their families.
The PTSD Repository was designed to address these drawbacks. It
brings together data from 550 published studies on a wide range of treatments
and is updated annually to capture new studies. The information in it is wide
in scope and rich in detail, including over 300 variables.
The PTSD Repository allows researchers to quickly identify
relevant studies and download data in a variety of formats for the purpose of
conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
What is in it?
The PTSD Repository contains data from RCTs conducted in
adults with PTSD published from January 1, 1988 through April 1, 2024. Each year
we identify studies by searching multiple databases including the National
Center for PTSD’s PTSDpubs,
MEDLINE®, Cochrane
CENTRAL, and PsycINFO®. We also review reference lists of systematic
reviews and clinical practice guidelines for relevant RCTs.
The studies included in the PTSD Repository are specific to
PTSD treatment. Most studies target PTSD outcomes. These RCTs may also examine
the impact of the PTSD treatment on other mental health conditions and co-occurring
problems (such as difficulty sleeping or anger). In addition, the PTSD Repository
includes studies that intentionally target both PTSD and substance use disorder
(SUD), conditions that often co-occur. Users can choose to look at all the
studies, focus specifically on the studies of PTSD treatment alone, or just
look at the PTSD plus SUD studies.
The table below gives details about the population, intervention
and study design requirements (PICOTS) that studies had to meet in order to be
Studies in the PTSD Repository are categorized into the
following 8 treatment categories: psychotherapy (trauma-focused versus
non-trauma focused), pharmacotherapy, complementary and integrative health
(CIH), nonpharmacologic biological, nonpharmacologic cognitive, collaborative
care, control, and "other treatments" that do not fit into the other
categories. See the table below or our Reference Guide: Treatments Found in the PTSD Repository that
outlines the organization and provides definitions.
If a study compared more than 1 type of treatment, both
treatment types were coded. For example, some studies are coded as psychotherapy
and pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and CIH or other
mixed. The table below shows the treatment categories along with some
specific treatments that fall under those categories. The list of specific
treatments is not exhaustive. To search for a specific treatment in the
PTSD Repository, go to the Study Interventions dataset. From there you can search
for a Treatment Name (assigned by the investigators) or a Standardized
Treatment Name (a more general category assigned by the National Center for
Because we want to be able to answer a variety of questions
about PTSD treatment, we extract more than 300 variables from the studies
we identify. For example, in addition to treatment type, we track assessment
instruments used, assessment method, study sample size, proportion of
military/Veteran participants, trauma types and treatment response, among
Risk of bias is available for every RCT in the
PTSD Repository, using Cochrane’s Risk of Bias 2 criteria. Researchers can obtain
coding for each of the domains as well as the overall risk of bias rating. Learn more about Risk of Bias Assessment in the PTSD Repository.
How do I use it?
To get started on the PTSD Repository we recommend reading two
of our stories:
- How are the data organized? provides details about the organization of the data and where to located it on the PTSD Repository.
- How do I start working with the PTSD Repository? references numerous tutorials available on how to access and use the platform and describes how data can be downloaded in a variety of formats, including CSV, RDF, RSS, XML, CSV for Excel, TSV for Excel, KML, KMZ, Shapefile, and GeoJSON. This story also includes information about how to export data to compatible statistical software programs.
How was the PTSD Repository developed?
The PTSD Repository is a project of the Department
of Veterans Affairs National
Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (NCPTSD), the world's leading
research and educational center of excellence on PTSD and traumatic stress. Through
an interagency agreement with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ), data were abstracted by the Pacific
Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC), a research center at Oregon
Health & Science University, following AHRQ's Methods
Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. This
included convening a technical expert panel whose members represented a range
of clinical and research perspectives on PTSD treatment. We consulted with
these experts throughout the development process. We also received input from
independent peer reviewers and sought public comment before publication, per
AHRQ guidelines. Read more about the
development process, annual reports and publications using PTSD Repository
data. Some improvements and expansions have been made over the years: including trials for co-occurring substance use disorders and PTSD, adding standardized effect sizes, and rating all studies using the Cochrane's Risk of Bias 2 rating system.
What's next for the PTSD Repository?
The PTSD Repository will continue to be updated annually. Check the What's New? story for the latest, or email us with any questions.
Stay in touch with us
We would be interested in hearing from you at NCPTSD@va.gov if you use data from the
PTSD Repository for your own research or dissemination projects.