PTSD Repository
For Researchers

The PTSD Repository is a comprehensive source of data from randomized controlled trials on PTSD treatments. It allows users to identify studies based on sample or study characteristics and provides information on a range of outcomes, including standardized effect sizes. Risk of bias is also available for each study using Cochrane’s Risk of Bias 2 system. 
Updated annually, the database will continue to evolve and be useful for meta-analyses, systematic reviews, or to identify evidence gaps in the field.  The most recent update includes 550 trials published between January 1, 1988 and April 1, 2024.

Data, Guides, and Documents

Access the Data: Use the data catalog to find all of the datasets in the PTSD Repository. Details about the data can be found in our story, How are the data organized
Reference Guide for Treatments: Read brief descriptions of many of the treatments found in the PTSD Repository, organized by treatment category.
Psychotherapy Categorization Table: You might also use our Psychotherapy: Progressively Specific Grouping table which demonstrates how you might group together standardized treatments found in the PTSD Repository to progressively move toward less specificity in classification. The examples in the table provided include psychotherapy categories and are not exhaustive to all treatments found in the PTSD Repository.
Evidence Synthesis Reports: Access reports published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), who partners with the National Center for PTSD to abstract data. Learn more about this interagency agreement in our For Reseachers: About the PTSD Repository story.